Happy Belated New Year!…And what a year it has been thus far…and we are only in the second week. Perhaps, it is because 2022 and 2023 seem to have morphed into one of Construction, Deconstruction and Reconstruction for Joe and me.

In preparation for the chaos, we brilliantly decided to take a six-week cruise in July on Oceania’s Insignia. The time away gave us time to deconstruct from our chaotic life, until Joe and I got covid. Actually, I got covid and gave it to him. I thought something was awry when suddenly every other treadmill was blocked off for social distancing. And I was the unfortunate recipient of the whole gamut of symptoms, including a severe case of strep throat. Typical of my husband, he escaped with a low-grade fever. Fortunately for both of us, we managed to survive our ten-day quarantine, in our penthouse suite with twenty-four-hour butler service…timing is everything!
Back to construction. We returned to our home and spent the week preparing for our temporary move to a condominium, preparing for the movers to pack our furnishings, and prepare to drastically upset our lives for a year! Then as the final piece of luggage was unpacked at the condo and we finally settled in, there was a mandatory evacuation for Hurricane Ian. Now with two homes unavailable, we ended up staying with dear friends the day the storm brewed and the night while it hurled its 155 mph winds. They lost power at 1pm in the afternoon and we all camped out with candlelight and an abundance of wine for the night. All in all, each of the homes was relatively unscathed.
Now for reconstruction. Two weeks before Christmas when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, Joe, my darling husband, took a fall and fractured his hip. It was a freak accident, but heartbreaking. He had worked so hard to regain his balance after his brain surgery a year and a half ago, only to find himself back at the Rehabilitation Center. Fortunately, he did not have to undergo a joint replacement, but he did have to have surgery to place a metal rod through his hip to stabilize the fracture. But he was able to come home on New Year’s Eve.
It was a crazy year on both a personal and professional level, as the books and movie seemed to go through the same construction, deconstruction, and reconstruction.

2022 was chaotic to say the least and I expect this year to be more of the same. But given all the wonderful things in my life, minus a few mishaps, Joe and I are blessed to have each other, to have our health, and to have dear family and friends we cherish. We recognize that others are less fortunate and have faced more difficult times. But for all of you we wish much happiness, good health, and a safe and prosperous 2023!
Please remember, all reviews are more than welcome!