As I said before…I’m not the greatest with timely newsletters, but so far I’m batting a thousand! Two months in a row. Most important, I hope you enjoyed hearing about my activities in and out of the cave and last month was no exception!
My darling husband, Joe, often provides tidbits, stunts, and experiences that I sneak in between the pages of my novel. You’ll even find out things about him hidden in License plate numbers and secret codes. Last month, the day before his birthday, the code became 911. Wait, there is a happy ending! But that was after he wrestled with two Styrofoam dumbbells in the swimming pool, and as he puts it, the human dumbbell lost, having aspirated salt water into his lungs. After a few days in ICU…yes, on his birthday, he’s back home and getting stronger every day. Actually, he’s almost better than ever! So, here’s another overused cliché that is more than appropriate…”You can’t keep a good man down!”
And according to Joe, his best medicine, was seeing each book in the Simon Hall Political Thriller series hit Amazon’s Kindle Bestseller List during our April Free Giveaway Promotion.
Both of us, can’t thank all the Simon Hall fans and supporters enough for downloading so many of my books in the series. And for those of you that might have missed out…we’ve decided to run another Promotion through the Month of May. So, get ready to check Amazon Kindle every Tuesday and Wednesday for your free download. Happy reading everyone!
As with all my books, please remember that reviews are more than welcome!

That’s a wrap…I hope you will look forward to more